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Janet Gale Pippin

March 19, 1955 - February 05, 2013

Janet Gale Pippin Obituary (Age 57) Janet entered into rest on February 5, 2013 in Spokane, WA. She was born on March 19, 1955 in West Covina, CA to Charles Simmons and Ellyne Gordon. Rest in peace Mommy, we love you with all of our hearts. You were the most wonderful person we have ever known. Your heart was so big and you touched the hearts of so many people. You gave us strength, showed us compassion and loved us all so strongly. You will be remembered by all of us, those of us who were with you forever and those who only had a short time. Your fighting spirit will live within all of us forever and be passed along for generations to come. Your stories will be remembered, they will make us laugh, make us cry and help us push on when we are filled with doubt. Your voice will always fill our heads with thoughts and our hearts with love. Janet is survived by her six children, 16 grandchildren and the love of her life, Mike. She is also survived by nine brothers and sisters and is joined in peace with her twin sister Candie. A Graveside Service will be held at 2:30 pm on Saturday, February 9, 2013 at Riverside Memorial Park in Spokane, WA.

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