February 06, 1930 - July 11, 2009
Betty Jean Baird Obituary
In loving memory of Betty Jean Baird. She was born on 2-6-1930 to Martha and Paul Knuth. She
married Elbert Baird on
12-15-1948. Betty was a life time resident of Spangle for 79 years. She was a member of Eastern Star, Spangle Grange, Ladies Aid, Community Church, Royal Neighbors, Ladies Birthday Club and honorary member of the SSC. She was a waitress for many years at the Ramble Inn in Spangle. She worked for EWU for 28 years as a lead custodian. She is preceded in death by her husband, parents, sisters Edna Riley and Kathleen Knuth, and brother Kenny Knuth. Betty is survived by her sister Wilma Schieche, two children Judy Kruger (Norman) and Jay Baird (Sherri). She loved her numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and many family members. Viewing will be held Wednesday July 15, 2009 from 10:00AM-5:00PM and Thursday July 16, 2009 from 8:00AM-5:00PM at Heritage Funeral Home. A graveside service will be held at the Spangle cemetery Friday July 17, 2009 at 10:00AM. Donations may be made to Hospice House of Spokane, Spangle cemetery, or SSC. A gathering will be held at the Spangle Service Club following the service.