December 22, 1942 - January 10, 2016
Diane Lee Ulrick Obituary
Diane Lee Ulrick, 73, went to be with our Lord January 10, 2016 in the Peace of her own home. Diane was born December 22, 1942, in Lincoln city, Washington. She resided in Spokane, WA most of her life and lived on 5-Mile prairie for the past 46 years. Diane earned a Bachelor?s degree in nursing and spent 27 years caring for our vets at Veteran?s hospital in Spokane WA. Diane loved to ride horses and competed in many events including bronc riding, cross country horse racing, horse shows, barrel racing and reining, just to name a few. Later in life she started training dogs and competing in agility events. Diane loved to spend her day, outside, tending after her many flower gardens, waterfalls and animals. She is preceded by her parents Albert and Alberta Fredrick and is survived by her two brothers John Fredrick and Richard Fredrick and her three children Beverly Uskowski, Jeffery Ulrick and Leslie Ulrick. Some of her favorite times were family gatherings and playing cards. Her favorite card game was UNO were she frequently accused all us of cheating when she didn?t win. Diane was always a fierce competitor in everything she participated in. Diane will be sorely missed by our family. Her spirit and strength was an example to me and my family to live by. We love you mother... Till we see you again. Funeral services will be held at, Heritage funeral home February 20, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Saturday. Any flower arrangements should be sent in care of Diane Ulrick