October 03, 2012 - August 29, 2018
Gabriella Hope Staley Obituary Gabriella Hope Staley earned her angel wings suddenly and unexpectedly on August 29, 2018 at 5 years of age. Gabby is survived by her parents Paul & Elizabeth Staley, her siblings Carl Rogers, Bethany Zigler Viteri , Ethan Staley and Isabella Staley, her beloved nephew Eli Landon Viteri Zigler, brother in law Regis Viteri Bohorquez, Grandparents Kurt & Wanda Staley and grandmother Erin Herbert. Gabby was born in Neijiang China in Sichuan Province in 2012 under less than perfect circumstances, she became the adored daughter of Paul & Elizabeth on July 1, 2015 in Chengdu, China. Gabby loved her family and was proud of her Chinese heritage. She loved school and was excited to go every single day. Gabby adored her preschool teacher Mrs. Brenda Dutton and was so excited to start kindergarten next year, so excited in fact she asked every day if kindergarten was tomorrow every morning all summer long. She chose a Disney backpack and a space lunch box for her new adventure and had already decided what should be packed in her new lunch box. Gabby was especially fond of her baby nephew Eli. She was so proud to be an auntie and was so very excited to get to hold and play with Eli every chance she got. Gabby was also very kind to her sister Isabella (who is autistic with low vision and needs extra help on many tasks), well, she was kind most of the time anyway. The girls shared a cute pink flamingo bedroom (the color and theme chosen by Gabby herself), and Gabby always found ways to play with her sister. Gabby�s dreams came true in January when Make A Wish sent her to Disney World to meet Mickey Mouse. She had the time of her life. Gabby talked about her trip every day. �I�m gonna tell Mickey..� Gabby was a wonderful blend of superhero and princess all rolled into one tiny, stubborn package. Gabby will be remembered for her tremendous bravery, exuberance for life, bubbly personality, constant giggles and beautiful smile. Gabby never met a stranger and because of that she touched many people in her short life, we will be starting a non profit to keep her spirit alive and continue her kindness. Someone who fought so hard to be here should be honored and remembered. We will not be doing a service. In lieu of flowers please consider making a donation to The Morning Star Foundation to help another child in Gabby�s honor. Morning Star Foundation P. O. Box 2143 Bend, OR 97709 Or directly at ANY Chase bank for Morning Star Foundation, Redmond, Oregon. All gifts are tax deductible. Thank you! � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Gabriella, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events AUG 29