January 05, 1926 - November 15, 2010
George Norman Fyhrie Obituary
(Age 84)
Beloved husband and father passed away November 15, 2010. George Norman Fyhrie was born on January 5, 1926 at St. Luke's Hospital in Spokane, Washington to Torger Christian Fyhrie and Violet Geneva Bacon Fyhrie - the last of 10 children. Torger, a "good old Norwegian",and mother Violet, an English lady whose heritage stemmed from kings and queens had moved to the Spokane area from Minnesota. George attended Emerson Grade School and Holmes Grade School, then Havermale Junior High. In 1944, he was the last of eight Fyhrie children to graduate from North Central High School. At 18, George joined the Navy attending Carroll College in Helena, Montana in Naval Officer Training. He continued his Naval training at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and then being commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy; however, he was not shipped overseas as the atomic bomb ended the conflict and George was sent home. After graduation, at age 21, he worked one year for the Washington Power Company in the power distribution department then three years at Tinling and Powell as an engineering salesman.
In 1950, George married Ruth Jeanne McRoberts and had four beautiful children. In 1965, he was stationed on the Portuguese Azores Island of Terceira, working at Lajes Field Air Force Base as a Civil Engineer. Returning to Spokane in 1970, he worked at Fairchild Air Force Base in Civil Engineering, retiring in 1980 after 30 years of government service.
George and Ruth were married for 23 years when Ruth died from lung cancer in 1973. He married Marilyn Ferne Fuller Lucas in 1974, increasing his family with her two beautiful daughters.
George was awarded the Meritorious Service Award for service to the Department of the Air Force. After his retirement from Civil Service, George continued as an electrical consultant for many years. He retired again to spend more time with rock hounding, jewelry making, oil painting, ceramics, music, RV travel, and his wife, Marilyn. George was an accomplished singer, spending many years singing in various churches, providing tenor voice solos to the delight of family and friends. George was preceded in death by his wife of 35 years, Marilyn Ferne in 2009. He is survived by his children, David Paul (Patty) Fyhrie of Davis, California, Angela Christine Fyri (Marty) of Burien, Washington, Suzanne Fyhrie (Ken) Parrott of Gleneden Beach, Oregon, Peter James (Tricia) Fyhrie of Portland, Oregon, Marcialyn (Mike) McCarthy of Vashon, Washington, and Laura Louise Luca (Bob) of Spokane, Washington, as well as eleven grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
Memorial Services will be held at Heritage Chapel Saturday, January 8th at 10:00 a.m.