April 07, 1932 - August 10, 2012
Phyllis Marie Quigley Obituary Phyllis Marie Quigley, age 80, was born the 12th of 15 children in Greeley, Colorado, on April the 7th 1932 to William and Olga Brown. Mom was called home to heaven for the greatest reunion of all time on August 10, 2012. The Brown family moved to the lower Yakima Valley in 1945. It was there while living at Crewport that she met her handsome soldier, L.D. Quigley. The two were married May 13th, 1950. Mom and Dad bought the family home in Toppenish in 1953. They resided in this same home for over 50 years raising 3 children and loving on many grandbabies and great grandbabies. Mom moved to Deer Park, WA in 2007. Mom worked at Safeway in Toppenish for 20 years. She also worked for the Washington State Liquor Store for 13 years. She and Dad were members of the Eagles Club where they loved to dance! Country Western music was their favorite. She loved George Jones! They loved to travel in their motor home. She scheduled her day around her Mariners baseball. Mom's flowers were beautifully kept and she loved watching her hummingbirds. Mom kept small stones at her back door to throw at the wild turkeys when they would travel through her yard... and boy did she have good aim! Mom enjoyed and loved her family and friends. She worried about everyone, and was "Mom" to many. A surprise 80th birthday celebration was held just 8 days before Mom became ill. It was a huge success enjoyed by all. She didn't stop smiling or talking about how proud she is of her family. Mom's faith in God was strong. She started and ended each day talking with Him. She was preceded in death by her husband of 53 years L.D. Quigley, son-in-law John Ray, her parents William and Olga Brown, nine sisters and four brothers. She is survived by her three children, Paula Quigley-Ray, J.D. "Bud" Quigley, Pamela Quigley-Woodley and son-in-law Charles Woodley. Also, seven grandchildren, Deana Ray, Zackary Ray (wife Jessie) Steven Woodley, Kyle Woodley, Tara Quigley, Chelsey Quigley, and D.J. Quigley; five (almost 6!) great-grandchildren, Riley, Madi, Kyndall, Jaeger, John-Myles and soon to be born baby Sylas; one brother, David Brown; three sisters in-law, Sue Quigley-Kouklis, Obeta Quigley-Brown, Loretta Quigley-Onder; and numerous nieces and nephews. The family invites you to join them, Thursday, August 16th at 11:00 AM at the Zillah Cemetery for the graveside service. A celebration of life will follow at the Comfort Inn conference room in Zillah, WA. Valley Hills Funeral Home in Zillah, WA will be assisting the family for the local memorial service. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Phyllis, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events AUG 10