March 05, 2008 - June 11, 2019
Sarah Beth Jenkins Obituary Sarah was born on March 5, 2008 the youngest of 3, into a loving and caring family. From the time she entered this world, she was a beacon of light to everyone who knew her. Sarah had a warrior�s spirit and a passion about her that was infectious. Sarah attended preschool and kindergarten at Palisades Christian Academy where she developed a love for music, which was her favorite class. She loved her teachers and adored all her school friends. Sarah enjoyed playing organized sports; she played T-ball and soccer with the YMCA. Sarah was very kind and the idea of competitive sports escaped her. While playing soccer, she would run like the wind and beat everyone to the ball. Instead of advancing with ball to make a goal, when an opponent would arrive she would smile at them and gesture with her hand that they could have a turn. Shy initially, after kindergarten; Sarah grew into an outgoing and affectionate little girl who was confident enough to deliver the opening prayer of her graduation ceremony. She loved Jesus, her family and being outdoors. One of her favorite pass times was to do summersaults down the slope in her backyard. However, shortly after kindergarten graduation, Sarah was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Unfortunate complications resulted in Sarah being paralyzed, blind, unable to talk, and with multiple complex medical issues. However, Sarah could hear and understand and was able to respond with an eye blink. That traumatic event happened almost 5 years ago. During that time, Sarah bravely battled for every breath. Despite her physical limitations, the Lord�s light shined brightly through her and she managed to touch the hearts and lives of all who came into contact with her. Sarah is no longer wrestling with suffering and pain. Now all of us of who loved her are left to wrestle with her absence. Sarah leaves behind her parents, Jeff and Diana Jenkins; her sister, Katelyn Laboy (husband Ty Laboy); her brother, Johnny Sage; her grandmother, Judy Jenkins; and her aunt, Rikki Sallstrom, all of Spokane, Washington. Sarah, we love you so very much and your absence is like the sky � spread over everything. We hope you are dancing in Heaven. God saw her getting tired; a cure was not to be. He wrapped her in His loving arms and whispered, �come with me�. She suffered much in silence, yet her spirit did not bend. She faced her pain with courage, until the very end. She tried so hard to stay with us but her fight was not in vain. God took her to His loving home and freed her from her pain. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund has been established; the link to the fund is: � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Sarah, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events JUN 11