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Sergey Konstantin

June 01, 1998 - September 06, 2019

Sergey Konstantin Obituary Sergey Konstantin�s life ended tragically at 6:34 pm on September 6, 2019 at the age of 21 unexpectedly for all of us. The Bible says: �Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work" (Jer. 1:5 NCV). God does not make mistakes. His work was completed. Sergey was born on June 1, 1998. He was a loving son and older brother in the family of Vitaly and Elena Konstantin. Since childhood, he was cheerful and shy, because of this he often hid his feelings and emotions. He was hardworking. He worked a lot and hard. He was a true friend and never betrayed his friends under any circumstances. He knew how to keep the secrets of others. God endowed him with a subtle soul. Sergey loved and had the ability from God to draw beautifully, he loved mountains and admired the creation of God. He was focused and aimed at achieving his goals. He loved to ride snowboards and dirtbikes. At the time of the tragedy, he returned from another hiking in the mountains along the trail and, slipping, fell down. Oswald Chambers once said: �It was in the invisible life that only God saw that you became perfectly fit. And when the crisis comes, you can be relied upon by God. � John wrote: �I saw you under the fig tree ...� (John 1:48). God saw and knew everything that remains a mystery to us. God counted all the days of Sergey�s life before his birth. Sergey believed in God. Recently, he especially strove to be closer to Him. �For the Scripture says: whosoever believeth in him shall no

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